May 20-21 2021
Lisbon, Portugal
The Léon Delachaux Endowment Fund was glad to participate in the online conference « Artists’ Legacies: preservation, study, dissemination, institutionalization » organized by the Arpad Szenes – Vieira da Silva Foundation on 20-21 May 2021.
Marie Delachaux (president of the Léon Delachaux Endowment Fund) and Marie-Alice Loiseau (founder of CataloFile, a database solution for artists, artists’ descendants, collectors and institutions) have been discussing (in French) « une solution née d’une rencontre : le catalogue raisonné numérique de l’artiste Léon Delachaux (1850- 1919) ».
Browse the conference proceedings: International Conference: Artists’ Legacies
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September 28 2019
Montmartre, Paris
In 1888 Léon Delachaux, his wife Pauline and their son Clarence moved to 20 rue Durantin, in the heart of Paris’ Montmartre district. This address now bears witness to the artist’s passage, thanks to a commemorative plaque that the Endowment Fund was able to place on its façade.
© Cécile Burban / Fonds de Dotation Léon Delachaux
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September 21 2019
Saint-Amand-Montrond, Cher
Celebrating the one-hundredth anniversary of Léon Delachaux’s death, the Endowment Fund inaugurated a commemorative plaque on the façade of the house where he routinely stayed from 1900 to 1919.
© Cécile Burban / Fonds de Dotation Léon Delachaux
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September 14 – December 29 2019
Mémorial ACTe in Pointe-à-Pitre
Exhibition: “Le Modèle noir, de Géricault à Picasso”
After the Wallach Art Gallery in New York and the Musée d’Orsay in Paris, the exhibition has travelled on to Pointe-à-Pitre’s Mémorial ACTe, Caribbean Center of Expressions and Memory of the Slave Trade and Slavery.
Léon Delachaux’s Banjo Player is featured there next to Josephine Baker – and represents the theme of music and the performing arts – surrounded by Delacroix, Chassériau, Carpeaux, Manet, Bazille and many others.

Jacques Martial, President of Mémorial ACTe, and Marie Delachaux,
President of the Léon Delachaux Endowment Fund, in front The Banjo Player by Léon Delachaux.
The Banjo Player, 1881, oil on canvas, 42,5 x 29 cm. Léon Delachaux Endowment Fund Collection.
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May-November, 2018
Musée Fournaise, Chatou (Yvelines)
Exhibition: « L’âge de raison vu par les peintres au XIXe siècle »
(The Age of Reason seen through the eyes of nineteenth-century painters)
The Léon Delachaux Endowment Fund is very pleased that The Affectionate Mother was chosen by Anne Galloyer, curator of the musée Fournaise, to depict the topic of children entering the age of reason. Delachaux hangs alongside paintings by Dehodencq, Lebasque, Muenier, Valadon and Bonvin.

Anne Galloyer, curator of the Fournaise Museum in Chatou and Marie Delachaux, President of the Léon Delachaux Endowment Fund, before The Affectionate Mother.
The Affectionate Mother, 1883, oil on canvas, 46 x 36 cm. Private Collection.
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June 10 – October 8, 2017
Musée Saint-Vic de Saint-Amand-Montrond (Cher)
Exhibition : « Léon Delachaux : 1850-1919, son œuvre saint-amandoise » (Léon Delachaux: works from Saint-Amand-Montrond)
Thierry Vinson, mayor of Saint-Amand-Montrond, and Elisabeth Meriot, deputy mayor responsible for culture, inaugurated the exhibition set by Jeanne Andrivon and Claire-Emmanuelle Pinjon.
40 artworks by the artist, 3 of them lent by the Musée d’Orsay (Paris), are beautifully displayed. We wish all the best to this great exhibition.
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April 27, 2017
Association France-Amériques
9, avenue Franklin-Roosevelt – 75008 Paris
Launch of the first publication dedicated to Léon Delachaux
Lecture from Prof. Gabriel P. Weisberg (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
Léon Delachaux in context
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September 2015
Opening of the Endowment Fund’s research offices in Paris.
It comprises extensive documentation, a library and work stations
in a convivial and professional place.
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March 18, 2015
Musée Saint-Vic de Saint-Amand-Montrond (Cher)
Presentation and film on the October 9th, 2014 conference and exhibition
Léon Delachaux (1850-1919) Au fil de… organized by the Léon Delachaux Endowment Fund.
Presented as part of the lecture series Une heure une œuvre (One hour, one work)
by Marie Delachaux, President of the Endowment Fund.
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February 18, 2015
Musée Saint-Vic de Saint-Amand-Montrond (Cher)
Lecture on Léon Delachaux presented as part of the lecture series
Une heure une œuvre (One hour, one work) by museum coordinators,
Jeanne Andrivon and Claire Pinjon.
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October 9, 2014
Association France-Amériques
9, avenue Franklin Roosevelt – 75008 Paris
Conference – exhibition “Léon Delachaux (1850-1919), Au fil de…
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April 13, 2013
Launch date of the Léon Delachaux Endowment Fund website